CRank: 5Score: 1320

Game looks great

4932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the kids happy, that's truly all that matters. Good on him, and all the best

4933d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not 360's fault square enix games suck recently. It's a bit ridiculous how little they've supported ps3 this gen though. Square enix have just plain sucked since they became square enix. Quality isn't at the top of their agenda anymore. Money is.

4935d ago 28 agree4 disagreeView comment

Marbles I'd like you to show me where GT5 drops in frame rate. I've been playing it for a week and I haven't noticed any drop in frame rate. If it's not visible to the naked eye and you need special equipment to find it, there's no point in complaining. I've had no problem with that.

And as I said below before gtfan's comment got spammed, yesterday I had to switch my tv to 720p temporarily and when I played GT5 I never realised the difference would...

4935d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT5 outsells the entire forza franchise combined on Dec 11th

4935d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

Normally I wouldn't care if games are 720p since most games are. But the other day I had to rewire my tv and I changed the settings from 1080p output to 720p output. And I tried GT5 and I never knew the difference was that big. It looked like SD quality compare to 1080p setting. It was blurred and the colours were washed out. I was surprised. Even if GT5 is 1280 x 1080, whatever it is it's a hell of a lot better then 720p and I really found that out for myself yesterday.

4935d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Said the person who has never played the game.

Then comes the "I have played it, really, here is teh fakez proof I haz. And even thoze I haz the game, I will trolls it every chance I getz"

Ginbe, take your own advice and shut up. It's an incredible game. Of course you wouldn't believe that. You'd take Internet fanboy words as gospel.

4935d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you want less of Everything, get forza 3

4935d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've played GT5 every single day since I bought it. I love driving sims. Im loving GT5. I would say I'm having a lot of fun

4935d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The racing part is more important then the crashing part. Getting realistic driving physics comes first and foremost. And GT5 has the driving physics perfect, better then forza. Turn 10 even said they purposely widened real life tracks to make them more fun online. GT5 has the driving and tracks spot on and they even match real life race times unlike forza. Crashing is always a secondary thing to work on

But that's the difference really. Real racing fans would want realis...

4935d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Take solace in the fact that nobody cares what they have to say at all because GT5 has been a massive success on the market becoming one of the best selling games of all time. On my psn list yesterday, about 9 people were online and 6 of them were playing GT5. And I'd turned my ps3 on to play GT5. That told me all I needed to know about the game. It's awesome.

4935d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

GT5 + Move = PS3 offers nothing for christmas

Halo + Kinect = 360 offers something for christmas

Makes sense... /s

4936d ago 41 agree4 disagreeView comment

Chris Roper would have been the one would have reviewed it and he's a huge GT fan. But he's not with IGN anymore so the review got left with that guy you mentioned.

Thorough review then.. /s

4936d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

You'd better believe that's a paddlin

4936d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

To criticise GT5 for having "too many cars" is pathetic. Im not going to get to drive them all no but I like the choice of selection. There's a hell of a lot of food in this world as well. Am I going to try it all in my lifetime? No. But at least I can choose my favourites. Life would be pretty boring if all you had was an apple and bread to eat.

4936d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then try getting a steering wheel. GT5 supports all the best wheels unlike another supposed "driving sim". It's the best driving experience you can get apart from doing it in real life. Unfortunately not everyone is able to hop into their Nissan GTR after work to race round a track. And funnily enough, the people who race in real life do it for the enjoyment of RACING, not crashing. Same as true driving sim fans who buy GT for it's realistic RACING experience, not the crashi...

4936d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Try playing the game to actually race the cars instead of smashing them. The game gets good from the start when you actually RACE them. If you're playing it like it's bumper cars, you've got the wrong game, or you're a seriously bad driver

4936d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Michael Pachter is a massive pig's arse

4936d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are 2 sides to GT5 unfortunately. The PS3 side and the PS2 side. The cars and tracks (like London) that are ps3 quality are unrivalled and looked spectacular and very detailed. But then there are cars and tracks which look like they're ripped directly from GT4 and while you're racing, they look fine but when you stop and analyse they look a little suspect to put it kindly. But what can you expect, they are ps2 models after all. I'm not bashing, I'd rate the game 9.5 and ...

4936d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

There's probably anti alias added but there's no difference in car models

4937d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment